Feeling unfocused? A checklist for everyday self-care

Hi Folks, 

Some of you who have been with us a while might know Brain, our wonderful office manager — otherwise known as Aubrie.  Once upon a time, when Brain said she was feeling a little unfocused, I gave her a little list for checking in with herself during the work day, and I wanted to share it with you all here. 

So here it is, slightly expanded from the original: 

  • Am I thirsty?

  • Am I hungry?

  • Do I need to go to the bathroom?

  • Do I need to get up and stretch? 

  • When was the last time I took a deep full-body breath? 

  • Can I take 1 minute to meditate or practice mindfulness? (Hint: the answer is yes) 

That’s it. That’s the whole thing. 

It’s so easy to get caught up in the belief that self-care has to be a big production involving face masks, yoga routines, and lavish bubble baths. But the first step to self-care is learning to attune ourselves to our body’s most basic and immediate needs.

When we practice listening to our body’s more obvious signals, we deepen our intuition. From here, we can learn to hear the more subtle messages that our body is sending us and, from those cues, create a lifestyle that is in harmony with our deepest-felt needs. 

So I want to challenge you today to use this checklist. Print it out and hang it in your office or on your fridge or wherever you might see it. Check in with yourself the same way you would check in with a dear friend and practice honoring the messages your body gives you. 

As always, take care.

Much love to you and yours;

Mrs. Bob.