Flexibility: Static stretching versus dynamic stretching

I hope you enjoyed the podcast we linked to about sleep last week.  I love The Drive.  Dr Peter Attia interviews preeminent researchers and clinicians on topics relevant to physical, cognitive and emotional health.  He is a clinical physician focused on the applied science of longevity, the extension of human life and well-being.  The Drive is my brain candy.

Flexibility for this series may be a misnomer.  Flexibility is relative.  As much as touching ones’ toes seems to be the holy grail for flexibility I don’t believe it’s all that important, especially considering the hamstring is the most commonly strained muscle.  My primary concern for all of you is functional, comfortable, pain free movement in diverse capacities.  Think of it this way, “You don’t move it, you lose it.”  Which brings us to today’s topic: static stretching versus dynamic stretching.  

If you’re new to working out or old hat at it consider the warm-up as the most vital part of any physical activity (like daily life).  The purpose of the warm-up is to prepare for movement, exercise and reduce injury.  Injury reduction is the best prevention.  Injuries can be incredible learning tools I think we’d all rather do without and can be a significant setback in progress.  So, if regular exercise is really going to happen then best to prepare for it as best as possible.

Ergo, the warm up. As I’ve mentioned before static stretching can be wonderful in calming the mind and centering in one’s body but research has shown it does nothing or has minimal effect in reducing injury when it comes to activity. However, dynamic stretching as prep for sport or exercise can elevate core body temperature with movement based stretching that increases blood flow, greater range of motion and enhances strength and power. 

Please check out this excellent article for all the benefits of dynamic stretching for pre activity preparation with great examples of how-to.  He even includes links to the research!  .:swoon:. 

For the next two weeks we’ll be revisiting past posts as I take a short hiatus from the NL.  In 3 weeks I’ll be back with the relationship of genetics and flexibility.  
