Sharing the Importance of Sleep

Hello hello

A lot of life has happened and is happening.  We were able to witness my mother in law get married in RI and Zoë celebrated a significant birthday this past weekend.  Today, I’ll be celebrating my own wedding anniversary as we move towards a big milestone in my daughter’s young life of potty training.  With all that’s going on the topic of dynamic stretching will have to wait.  In the meantime I’d like to share a podcast episode from my favorite podcaster Dr Peter Attia.  In this episode # 126 from August 31 2020 he speaks to Matthew Walker, the author of Why We Sleep.  They discuss how the pandemic shutdown has changed sleep, how sleep impacts the immune system, how dreaming affects emotional health, different sleep chronotypes, the best hygiene sleep tips and the pros and cons of napping.  They also discuss several errors in his book that will be addressed for the second edition.  If you find this episode interesting please check out episode 47 which is the beginning of a three part series they did April of 2019.  In that episode:

"I think that sleep may be one of the most significant lifestyle factors that determines your risk ratio for Alzheimer's disease." — Matthew Walker

Until next we meet.