Today on Bank The Fire: Human Design Part 2 with Xenia Viray!

Hello Hello Beautiful Listener!

Today is Part 2 with Xenia Viray of Myths of Creation from Episode 1  and Episode 8 of this season.  We love Xenia so much we want to keep sharing her with you!

This week listen in as Xenia shares my energetic template for the being that I already am and how it applies IRL. â€‹

To recap, Human Design is the study of our unique energetic signature.  Understanding one's Human Design can help us align with our soul/inner/true selves to create more flow, ease and joy in our life.  In this second of our two-parter episode,  Xenia reads our charts and breaks down the different life aspects Human Design addresses.         

Take us with you as you travel, revel in downtime, or do the dishes.  Put us in your ears!  Put us in your friends’ ears!  Enjoy our candid convos as we Bank The Fire. 

You can subscribe and listen to all of our episodes on  SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle , and Stitcher.  We are also hosted by the She Leads Podcast Network where you can find other great podcasts sharing women's voices in media.

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Much love to you and yours;

Mrs. Bob