Fall Up or Down

Summer has faded.  For many of us the start of fall brings so much activity:  gear up for kids going back to school, work picking up after the summer slowdown and getting ready: to get ready for the holidays.  All this as it gets colder and darker outside.  

At Mahalo, we talk a lot about the importance of tuning into our bodies. Part of tuning into our bodies also means tuning into the environment around us. Changing seasons means changing needs. For us humans, eating healthy no longer means smoothies and salads. Hopefully you’re already feeling this natural inclination but it’s officially warm soup and roasted veggies weather.  Likewise, being healthy in the cold doesn’t mean keeping up the same level of activity as the warm months.  Animals are more in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth and move less in the cold.  Maybe we should take a page out of their book. As the temperature drops and the days get shorter, our bodies want to slow down. 

So this is your permission slip, just in case you were looking for one! As our out-of-tune culture tells you to do more and more, listen to your body and the natural world as it reminds you to do less and less.  Personally, I love having places in the city to lie down.  I’ve my acupuncturist whom I interviewed for Bank The Fire. I’ve the wonderful Martina and Arlene now… Let’s find a time for you to lay down at our place, take a breather and do less!

With care,

Mrs. Bob