Run injury free? It can be true

"Rather than have the runners adapt to the running, they took the shoe and adapted it to the runner." 

— Irene Davis

This is another call to take action for your well-being

I’m well and truly excited about this one folks.  Finally a podcast that encompasses all the nerding out I did after I read Born to Run by Christopher Macdougall and then some.  (If you’d like to read the book that encouraged me to run my first mile ever, I know of a lovely local bookstore you can support.)

Dr Irene Davis presents a logical argument and a good deal of science about the way we should use our feet if we wish to have a strong, pain-free, healthy foundation that extends up through our being.  I’m sharing this podcast with you from my favorite seeking nerd because this interview is, I hope, the future of physical therapy and podiatry in regards to treatment of back/hip/knee/foot pain.  

I believe our feet are woefully neglected and walked all over. Though it is necessary to pamper our very useful, very important feet it is also necessary to strengthen and maintain them in good form.  

They discuss orthotics, shin splints, knee injury, body mechanics of running and the evolution of shoes!  Oh my!

Please enjoy. 

Dr Peter Attia’s interview with Dr Irene Davis

Evolution of the foot, running injuries, and minimalist shoes