A Little Meditation

We wish we could be with you wherever you are. We hope you are safe and healthy.

In our last newsletter we shared a sweet potato hash recipe. I’ve since made it again at a much smaller scale and learned two things: 1. I don’t monitor what I’m cooking as well as I used to now that my attention is so easily diverted by my little one who is very mobile these days. 2. It’s better to crowd the contents of this dish when in the oven. Crowding means not quite so much heat flowing around individual pieces which means it’s less likely to burn.  So, no matter how large your baking sheet, put the contents in a single layer close together.  

Next in the news:

If you think you can’t meditate or you’re thinking of starting or you’re struggling with all that’s going on right now, please watch this 2 min video from a monk explaining how meditation can be done everyday, any time, any where. You may even find you’ve been meditating in short bursts your whole life. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll consider doing longer intentional meditations. Please enjoy!

In our next newsletter we’ll be sharing the importance of vitamin C: why we need it, why it’s good and the various ways of getting it in our diets. 

Until next we meet!

Mrs. Bob